
Basic Information

A small hamlet in the city of Snæfellsbær, Búðir is situated in the westernmost tip of Snæfellsnes Peninsula. It is located in the lava fields of Búðahraun in West Iceland. The administrative center of Snæfellsbær is located in the Ólafsvík town. With a cluster of old buildings, Búðir is known to be the landing port of commercial ships and fishing vessels in old times. It consists of a famous hotel and restaurant, Hotel Búðir. The original old building of the restaurant was burnt on 21st February 2001 that was rebuilt completely to resemble the old inn house. The Búðir hamlet consists of a small church that is a center of attraction among tourists visiting this place.

The surrounding mountains and the lava fields provide a spectacular view. Hotel Búðir is located in one of the most beautiful sites in Iceland. Búðir boasts the vast lava field Búðahraun that reaches east towards the sea by Faxaflói Bay and west to the reef of Hraunlandarif. The lava field’s source can be traced to the 88-meter tall volcanic crater Búðaklettur. The crater has an opening on its south-west side, where one can find the entrance of the 382-meter long Búðahellir Cave. Búðir also consists of a field of tall, bleak grass, and a beach of fair-colored sand spotted with jet black lava rocks.

History of Búðir

Commercial activities started in this town very early in recorded history when Iceland’s first inhabitants made their way across the ocean. It was a prosperous fishing village and one of Snæfellsnes’ most active trading posts. Archaeological evidence advocates portal activity dating back to the earliest settlement of Iceland. Medieval sources describe Búðir as one of Iceland’s major ports in ancient times. The trading post was abandoned at the beginning of the 19th Century, but now the economy of the region is prospering because of increasing tourism. During the extended period of the Danish trade monopoly, the main function of Búðir was to act as a commercial hub for Snæfellsnes.


If you are planning to visit this historic place and the surrounding areas, you can stay at the Búðir hotel. Conveniently located in Búðir, it is the ultimate choice for accommodation if you are traveling around Snæfellsnes Peninsula. Finding the hotel in this beautiful location is extremely easy since it is one of the only two buildings in this settlement.

Due to the hotel´s location, visitors can capture an impressive view of the breath-taking Snæfellsjökull glacier and the Búðir -estuary which curves into the vast Faxaflói -Bay where several seals reside. It is known for its world-class restaurant and has been awarded the Travel Hospitality Award of Luxury Hotel of the Year (2019) Iceland. With brilliant Icelandic gourmet cuisine, luxury amenities, a lounge, and a bar, Hotel Búðir defines luxury stay in Iceland.

Only remains of Búðir’s former community is the black wooden church named Búðakirkja. Bent Lauridtsen got a bishop’s permit in 1701 to build a church. After two years, a small turf chapel was built that was dismissed by King Christian VIII in 1819. It was relocated and reconstructed in the 1980s according to the original Danish design.

There are several Icelandic natural attractions accessible from Hotel Búðir. The Black Church of Búðir is located at a walking distance of 3 minutes while the places like Rauðfeldsgjá Canyon and Arnarstapi are about a 20-minute drive away from the hotel. Rauðfeldsgjá canyon is a deep, high and narrow ravine in the cliffs south of the Snæfellsjökull glacier. Although entering the ravine Rauðfeldsgjá is a bit of a scramble, it is worth it when you come into the main entrance. Other nearby locations to the town of Búðir include Vatnshellir lava cave.

When going to Búðir, drive on Route 1 towards the north if you are starting from Reykjavik until you reach the town of Borgarnes. From there, take a left turn to drive on Route 54. Keep moving on this route to reach Búðir.

Búðarkirkja black church in Búðir Snæfellsnes during winter

Map of Búðir

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