Háifoss Waterfall

Basic Information

Háifoss, Iceland’s second-highest waterfall, plunges 122 meters (400 feet) into a stunning gorge and is located in the Þjórsárdalur valley in the south of Iceland. Visiting Háifoss offers breathtaking scenery and an opportunity to experience the raw beauty of Iceland’s landscapes. Here’s a detailed guide on how to get there.

Tours that take you to Háifoss waterfall

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Háifoss and Granni waterfalls in Golden Circle Iceland

Exploring Háifoss Waterfall

  • Hiking to the Viewing Point: Once parked, follow the clearly marked path that leads to the viewpoint overlooking Háifoss. The hike is short and not very strenuous, making it accessible for most visitors.
  • Exploring Further: For the more adventurous, there are additional hiking paths around the area offering different perspectives of the waterfall and the surrounding canyon.

Tips for visiting Háifoss Waterfall

  • Best Time to Visit: Summer (June to August) is the best time to visit, as the weather is more predictable, and the roads are more accessible. In winter, the road may be impassable due to snow and ice.
  • Weather: Always check the weather forecast before heading out. Conditions in Iceland can change rapidly.
  • Supplies: Bring water, snacks, and warm clothing, as there are no facilities at Háifoss. The weather can be cold and windy even in summer.
  • Photography: For photographers, early morning or late afternoon provides the best lighting conditions.

Nearby Attractions

  • Gjáin: A beautiful, small canyon with waterfalls and lush greenery, located a short drive from Háifoss.
  • Hjalparfoss: A double waterfall located on Route 32, which you will pass on your way to Háifoss.
Háifoss waterfall in Golden Circle Iceland

How to Get to Háifoss waterfall

Starting Point: Reykjavik

  1. Car Rental:

    • Before setting out, ensure you have a suitable vehicle. While a standard car can make the trip, a 4×4 vehicle is recommended, especially if you plan to take some of the more rugged routes.
  2. Route to Þjórsárdalur Valley:

    • From Reykjavik, take Route 1 (Ring Road) eastbound.
    • Continue on Route 1 for approximately 98 kilometers (60 miles) until you reach the town of Selfoss.
  3. From Selfoss to Háifoss:

    • In Selfoss, turn left onto Route 30 (Skeiða- og Hrunamannavegur).
    • Follow Route 30 for about 18 kilometers (11 miles) until you reach the junction with Route 32 (Þjórsárdalsvegur).
    • Turn right onto Route 32 and continue for approximately 47 kilometers (29 miles). This road will take you deeper into the Þjórsárdalur valley, passing several scenic spots, including the Hjalparfoss waterfall.
    • Look for the sign indicating Háifoss and turn right onto the gravel road F26. This road is marked as a “F” road, meaning it’s a mountain road. Although not as rough as some other F-roads, conditions can vary, and it may be challenging during or after heavy rain.
  4. Final Stretch to Háifoss:

    • Drive carefully on F26 for about 7 kilometers (4.3 miles). The road can be narrow and bumpy, so take your time and watch for oncoming traffic.
    • You will reach a parking area near the edge of the canyon where Háifoss is located. From here, it’s a short walk to the viewing area.

By following this guide, you’ll be well-prepared for an unforgettable visit to Háifoss, one of Iceland’s most magnificent natural wonders. Enjoy your journey and the breathtaking views awaiting you!

Háifoss waterfall in Golden Circle Iceland

Háifoss waterfall on a map

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