Kerið Crater

Basic Information

Think no other place than Iceland if you truly want to see the magnificent power of nature and want to spend some time amid a lush green natural environment. Iceland is indubitably one of the most beautiful places on Earth and has always been a magnet for travel enthusiasts, environmentalists, and globetrotters from across the world. From those staggering waterfalls, massive lava and geyser fields, lush green and colorful mountains, crystal clear ice caves, black sand beach, to the majestic views of puffins over the cliffs, and Viking history, you will come across things that you might have never witnessed before. And when you plan to visit Iceland there are numerous places that you just cannot afford to miss. Now, how about visiting a lake in Iceland? If you are pondering over it, then let’s just add a twist to it. How about visiting a lake, which is inside a volcanic caldera? Now that sounds exciting. Isn’t it?  If you are an adventure freak, then Kerið Crater is one “must-visit place” for you and it is sure to make your jaw drop! Let’s get to know more about this destination.

Kerið Crater in Golden Circle in Iceland

Neon Blue Lake in Southern Iceland

Surrounded by the beautiful eye-popping red volcanic rocks, this stunning lake in neon blues sits in a volcanic caldera. Kerið volcanic crater is located in Grímsnes, South Iceland, which is also closer to one of the most famous three major sites that make Iceland’s Golden Circle, world-famous sightseeing route. Though there are innumerable lakes and volcanic sites in Iceland, Kerið crater seems to stand out from others because the caldera is still intact and highlights the lake in a beautiful manner. The aquamarine blue shade with strikingly vivid surroundings creates a magical sight. Get close to it and hike along the Kerið crater’s rim and spend time acknowledging the beauty of the crater and enjoying the stunning jaw-dropping views.

Kerið Crater in Golden Circle in Iceland

Geological Aspect of Kerið Crater

With distinctive volcanic red rock slopes, the crater measures approximately 558 feet (170 meters) in width with a circumference of 886 feet (270 meters) and it is 180 feet (55 meters) deep. Kerið Crater in South Iceland is a volcanic crater that is believed to be 3,000-year-old, which seems to be approximately half of the age of other volcanic calderas found in Iceland. The age difference of Kerið Crater is the reason to why the slopes are in the hues of red rather than being volcanic black, while the iron deposits are extremely fresh in geological terms. Kerið used to be a cone-shaped volcano, this is what scientists believe and another reason for the shape is believed to be because of the depletion of its magma reserve that caused the foundation to abruptly fall upon itself, thus the formation of the crater. It was centuries after the collapse that water was filled in the Kerið crater, which resulted in the formation of a lake, which is approximately 7-14 meters deep, though it depends upon the time of year and of course the amount of rainfall.

The intense azure shades of the lake complement the vivid red slopes of the crater and seem to be very appealing and pop out magnificently with the surrounding crimson rocks. The minerals from the surrounding area of the crater seep down to the lake and resulting in the aquamarine color. It is possible to descend to the crater lake.

Location of Kerið Crater: How to Reach There?

Kerið Crater is located in South Iceland, in Iceland’s Grímsnes area. It is a part of the Western Volcanic Zone of Iceland. It is easy to access and is nearby the ring road. From Thingvellir National Park, it is barely a 40-minute drive and the same from Geysir in Haukadalur. It is easy to locate on the main road while heading from the golden circle to Selfoss – it is 15 kilometer north of Selfoss, highway 35. If you are driving from Reykjavík’s main city, it will take you around 53 minutes to reach Kerið Crater. Follow Suðurgata to Hringbraut/Route 49 and then continue on Þjóðvegur 1, and Suðurlandsvegur to Biskupstungnabraut in Suðurland. From there take a left onto Biskupstungnabraut that will take you to the Kerið Crater on the main road.

Note that there is a small fee at the parking lot for entrance to Kerið Crater – ISK 500. 

Kerið Crater in Golden Circle in Iceland

Map of Kerið Crater

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