Brúarhlöð Canyon

Basic Information

Iceland is a place of extreme geological contrasts and there is no doubt why this place has been titled “The Land of Fire and Ice”. From massive volcanoes, crystal clear ice caves, the blue lagoon, high mountains, to staggering waterfalls, geysers, and hot springs; numerous places in Iceland are sure to shut you stun with the mesmerizing views and natural creations. You might have already planned to visit many places, but few places are comparatively less traveled by tourists. And one such place is Brúarhlöð Canyon.

The Hidden Canyon in the Golden Circle: Brúarhlöð Canyon

Brúarhlöð Canyon is a hidden gem of Iceland and if you are someone who loves to go on short hikes, nature walks for observation, and spend hours in the lap of nature, then, this place is perfect for you. Brúarhlöð Canyon is located near the Golden Circle and nearby Hrunamannahreppur but tends to be missed out on by the travelers. This place is known for its extraordinary rock formations that look phenomenal when seen from the top. It was centuries ago when the mighty river Hvitá, meaning white river, made its way through the solid rocks that led to the formation of this entwined gorge – Brúarhlöð. The surrounding cliffs are made of Breccia, which is composed of broken minerals fragments; it was originally formed by volcanic and tectonic force, which gave the canyon its present look. Hike up to the top carefully and reach the observation point to experience nature’s best creation – a breathtaking view of the canyon.

Directions to Brúarhlöð Canyon

If you are traveling from the main capital city Reykjavík, then it will take you approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes to reach the canyon. Start by moving on the Suðurgata to Hringbraut/Route 49 and then follow Þjóðvegur 1 and Biskupstungnabraut to Kjarnholt in Suðurland. From there, continue by following Einholtsvegur to Skeiða- og Hrunamannavegur. You need to turn on Skeiða- og Hrunamannavegur, the canyon is accessible from road 30. There is a car parking area, which indicates that you have reached the last motor accessible road and from there, continue to hike towards the canyon. Brúarhlöð Canyon is located close to Geysir geothermal area and Gullfoss waterfall and is therefor perfect to add on to your Golden Circle self driving tour. Other interesting locations in the area are Faxi waterfall, Friðheimar Tomato farm and the Secret Lagoon. There are no guided group tours that will take you to this location because it has not been well known by travelers in the recent years. However, you can always book a private tour to the Golden Circle and ask your private guide to add Brúarhlöð Canyon as one of the stops. 

Brúarhlöð canyon in the Golden Circle

Brúarhlöð Canyon on a map

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