Goðafoss Waterfall

Goðafoss - Waterfall of the Gods

Iceland’s rugged landscapes are dotted with natural wonders that captivate the imagination and take you on a journey through time and nature’s magnificence. One such marvel is the Goðafoss Waterfall, nestled in the northern part of Iceland. Often referred to as the “Waterfall of the Gods,” Goðafoss is not only a breathtaking display of cascading water but also a historical site that carries the echoes of Iceland’s ancient past. Join us as we dive into the details of this enchanting destination.

Goðafoss Waterfall in winter and snow - Affordable North Iceland Tour Packages

The Natural Grandeur:

As you approach the Goðafoss Waterfall, the first thing that strikes you is its sheer size and power. The glacial river Skjálfandafljót pours over a horseshoe-shaped rock formation, creating a striking visual spectacle. The water drops from a height of approximately 12 meters (39 feet) and stretches across about 30 meters (98 feet). The falls are surrounded by lush vegetation and dramatic rock formations, making it a perfect example of Iceland’s raw and untamed beauty.

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Goðafoss Waterfall - North Iceland Must See

The History of Goðafoss

Beyond its natural beauty, Goðafoss holds a significant place in Icelandic history. The name “Goðafoss” translates to “Waterfall of the Gods,” and it originates from a pivotal event that occurred in the year 1000 AD. During this time, Iceland stood at the crossroads between paganism and Christianity. The Lawspeaker Þorgeir Ljósvetningagoði made a momentous decision to embrace Christianity, effectively ending Iceland’s pagan practices. To symbolize this transition, Þorgeir cast his pagan idols into the roaring waters of Goðafoss, marking the shift from the old faith to the new. Standing before the waterfall, you can almost feel the weight of history and the significance of that momentous decision.

How to get to Goðafoss waterfall?

Goðafoss Waterfall is conveniently located in the northern part of Iceland, making it accessible to travelers looking to immerse themselves in its beauty and history. The journey to the falls takes you through captivating landscapes of rolling hills, pristine lakes, and the unspoiled beauty of North Iceland. Whether you’re driving yourself or opting for a guided tour, the anticipation builds as you draw closer to the roaring cascade.

Experience Goðafoss waterfall in the best way possible

Upon arrival, the sight of Goðafoss will leave you awe-struck. The viewing platforms strategically positioned around the falls provide panoramic vistas, allowing you to appreciate the falls from various angles. The force of the water crashing against the rocks creates a symphony of sounds that resonates deep within. Depending on the time of year you visit, the surrounding vegetation changes hues, adding to the allure of the landscape.

Tips for Your Visit:

  1. Timing: The falls are beautiful year-round, but visiting during the summer months offers longer daylight hours for exploration.
  2. Attire: Be prepared for varying weather conditions. Layered clothing and sturdy footwear are recommended.
  3. Photography: Don’t forget your camera! The falls offer stunning photo opportunities, whether under the warm summer sun or the ethereal light of winter.

The Diamond Circle

While the Goðafoss Waterfall is undoubtedly a centerpiece of natural and historical wonder, it’s just one sparkling gem in the larger treasure trove known as the Diamond Circle. The Diamond Circle is a popular tourist route in North Iceland that encompasses a collection of breathtaking attractions, each offering its own unique charm and allure.

The beauty of the Diamond Circle lies not just in the individual attractions but also in the journey that connects them. As you travel from one unique site to the next, the landscapes shift, revealing the diverse facets of North Iceland’s beauty. The Diamond Circle provides an opportunity to marvel at the versatility of nature, from cascading waterfalls to geothermal wonders, from serene canyons to the dramatic coastline.

Exploring the Diamond Circle enhances your experience of the Goðafoss Waterfall, giving you a multi-dimensional understanding of North Iceland’s natural and cultural treasures. Each stop on the route adds a new layer to your journey, enriching your memories and understanding of this captivating region. Whether you’re an adventure seeker, a history enthusiast, or simply a lover of nature’s wonders, the Diamond Circle promises an unforgettable exploration of Iceland’s north.


Goðafoss Waterfall is more than just a natural wonder; it’s a convergence of nature and history that leaves an indelible mark on all who visit. Standing before the cascading waters, you can’t help but reflect on the passage of time, the resilience of nature, and the decisions that shaped Iceland’s cultural landscape. It’s a destination that showcases the harmonious blend of natural beauty and human history, making it a must-visit for anyone exploring the enchanting landscapes of Iceland.

Goðafoss Waterfall in winter and snow - Affordable North Iceland Tour Packages

Goðafoss waterfall on a map


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